Several years ago I ran a business called Scaleway Signals which specialized in the design and manufacture of miniature railway signalling equipment. I spent many years studying the subject and having worked several years for British Railways as a signalman gained the necessary knowledge and experience to operate this company. I traded for about 10 years and supplied many miniature lines. We still undertake signalling related work and we were approached by Hunslet Steam Company to design and build a full size lever frame complete with interlocking. I was able to source ex GWR components which we could use. We have the benefit of a ex railway skilled locking fitter with 27 years experience! A 15 lever frame was produced and GWR 5 bar interlocking was designed and installed. The frame has since been delivered and is waiting to be installed in the customers new signal box.
Here we see one of our workforce fitting the locking trays to the finished frame.
Here we see the fitted trays and the frame mounted on the special truss which lifts the frame off the locking room floor. The tread plates will be at operating floor height.